
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

We made it!

Oh my god we did it!!  We made it through our very first day of work and our first day of daycare...and we're still alive and kicking.  The girls don't hate me for leaving them, at least I don't think they do.  They were is GREAT moods last night, lots of laughs and played so well.  Thank god!  I worried they'd be super cranky all night but not AT ALL!  Plus, when bedtime came, no crying at all...they must have been pooped!

So all in all, life is good. 

I soooo enjoyed my first day back.  I felt like me again.  Not that I lost myself, well, I sorta did for a bit there.  But I think that's normal.  But I felt human, I felt like a working person again.  My brain was in use again, but now it's not just baby stuff and Treehouse, it's actually thinking about things that are not baby related.  Don't get me wrong, I thought about my girls alot yesterday and of course today as well.  But it was just a different feeling.  A feeling I like, alot.  The beginning of the beginning. 

I just made the cusp for a Ipod Nano that the company was giving employees for Christmas, as the last 3 weeks counted as vacation, so therefore I was technically back from MAT leave and just on vacation...Awesome...then I got a raise, double AWESOME!! 

I am thankful for a great day yesterday...and so far today has been following suite.  Now, I just have to get my ass back to the gym.  But my application in, so next week I'll be good to go.  I can't wait.  Does that sound weird, I can't wait to hit the gym...this past year hasn't been nearly as physical as I would have liked.  Don't get me wrong, taking care of 2 babies...running after both, lifting and such is physical, but I would have love to get out running and walking more.  So here's my chance to get back at er!  Very excited!

Stay tuned for more updates.  I will bare it all...including my weight...maybe.  ;)

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